EC019-SS K200门机现场故障解决指导书

2020/9/25 11:57:25点击:

K200 门机现场故障解决
(Instruct to solve the
problem for K200 door
1. 现场反馈(Feed back):
1.1 K200 门机无强迫关门功能;
K200 door system has no the function of nudge closing ;
1.2 K200 门机编码器和门机动力线无屏蔽层,编码器干扰大;
There exist at too much disturb signal for the encoder because of havn’t the shield wire of motor
cable and the encoder cable;
1.3 K200 门机密码经常进不去,门机参数丢失以及检修状态下开关门按钮会出现失灵;
The password to control system of K200 are not available usally ,the control paramater have lost and
the open and colse door buttons can’t use when the door at the inspection mode;
1.4 关门过程中光幕被阻挡多次或门机被障碍物阻挡,导致失速撞门或门机脱离控制;
If cut the light curtain much times or keep blocking the door closed ,it will cause the fault running and
doors are knocked voilently;
1.5 门机门刀机械结构调整不到位,产生电梯运行时开门现象以及电梯消防层门易发生开门
不到位 情况;
The door vane mechanic system ajust not good ,it will cause to reopen the door during the lift start
running and the door of fire-risisted can’t open to the end of door width;
1.6 现场反映 K200 门机参数调试繁琐;
There are too much adjusting parameters lead to testing difficulty ;
2. EC 测试和说明(Testing and clarification by EC):
2.1 K200 门机无强迫关门功能 (问题 1)。
K200 door system havn’t the function of nudge closing(Problem 1).
K200 门机系统作为标准配配置,无强迫关门功能。
In K200 door control system, nudging opertion is not a standard feature.
等级:C 页码:2/1
版本:A 更改码:00
K200 门机现场故障解决
(Instruct to solve the
problem for K200 door
If there have the set the nudging running function at the mc2 control system,the mc2 control system will
sent the nudging order,but the door inverter havn’t accept and do the relative running at the light-curtain
is obstructed,it will cause the faultr.
处理方法(Solve methods):
请现场及时关闭 MC2 控制系统的强迫关门功能,在目前情况下,现场需要配置强迫关门功能,请
We suggest to close the MC2 control system nudging running function.If the customer need to add the
nudging running function ,please to deal with the order at special order.
2.2 K200 门机编码器和门机动力线无屏蔽层,编码器干扰大(问题 2):
There exist at too much disturb signal for the encoder because of havn’t the shield wire of motor
cable and the encoder cable(Problem 2):
编码器干扰问题,已和 EC 试验部的其他相关人员,对电梯运行过程中的编码器信号,进行多
次的 HIOKI 示波器测定,根据测试的波形结果,编码器波形稳定、清晰。另一方面根据现场反
To the encoder wired shield problem,the Testing & Filed support department have meaured the signal
of door motor encoder by the HIOKI wave recorder,The measued wave are stably and
clearly.According the feed back from the Branches,we are tight the power cable of door’s motor and
the encoder cable together,observe the elevator running ,the door system function are good ,the
distrubtion signal come form the motor power cable can’t affect the door control system to
distinguish encoder signal .
We think that don’t need to add the shield level for the motor encoder cable . 
等级:C 页码:3/1
版本:A 更改码:00
K200 门机现场故障解决
(Instruct to solve the
problem for K200 door
3. 机械机构问题处理(Mechanical problem Solution ):
The tesion force for moter synchronous belt is too low , it will arise the belt jump teeth and
progressive error , cause the pulse count error to the door control system.
处理方法(Solve methods):
a) 不同类型和不同厅门宽度的 K200 门机,门机同步带的张紧力有不同的设置要求,电梯在使
K200 门机的张紧度符合表中规定。
Different type and deferent width K200 door system ,the synchronous belt tension force have
different value.The belt will be lengthen during using time,so the site should be adjust the tension
force in time according the synchronous bele tenson force schedule .
b) 同步带张紧力调整方法 、张紧力检测方法、张紧力测试工具和同步带松紧度表请参考附件
压缩文件 2:(同步带张紧力测试)。
About the Adjusting method of the synchorous belt ,Measure method of the tenson force for belt,The
measure tool tension force and The synchorous belt tension force standard sheet , Please to see the
attached winrar file 2 :( 同步带张紧力测试).
同步带张力测试工具,分公司可以根据图纸制作,或与 BST 公司进行采购。
The tools for the tension force examination ,can made according to the graph by the Branch ,also can
buy from BST . 
等级:C 页码:4/1
版本:A 更改码:00
K200 门机现场故障解决
(Instruct to solve the
problem for K200 door
现场跟进事项(Need to followed by the site)!!!
正确调整挡块位置。使厅门在完全关闭的位置时,挂钩之间的间隙在 1-2mm 之间,这样使
Right to adjust the position of the bar .The gap between tw hooks is 1-2mm when the door are
throughtly closed,the gap can lead the belt running smooth and havn’t cause big block
force,see( photo 6).
(图片 6/Photo6)
4. 新时达门机变频器软件更新(Upgrade software for door invert by New Step):
4.1 门机变频器软件升级
FOO 显示低于 250 15 的门机变频器,软件应立即升级, 具体由新时达公司提供门机变频器主板,
事项请参考附件 3-蒂森门机变频器控制板更换。
The STEP will update the old version for K200 to the latest version by changed the inverter control
board .the inverter control board will changed immediately if the software are less than 250 15 by
New Step. It is need to statistics the quantity by the Customer Sevice Departmen,contact to the
supplier and imforma to site changed immediately. The attention please to see the attached file 3-蒂
间隙 1-2 毫米
等级:C 页码:5/1
版本:A 更改码:00
K200 门机现场故障解决
(Instruct to solve the
problem for K200 door
4.2 门机变频器调试注意事项
1) 门机变频器密码(The password for door inverter):
请使用万能密码是:先输入 L6902,再输入 H3912,而后可操作修改参数。
Please use all-purpose password:First input L6902,next input H3912,then can operate the control
2) 特殊参数及其事项(强制)
- F35 的参数必须改为“零”,以取消门机堵转自动开门功能;
F35 should be set ‘0’ and canceled the auto-opened function when the door are blocked;
- 将 F37 参数 F37.2,F37.3 改为“常闭”触点类型,将门机堵转输出串接到光幕回路,现场需要
根据附件 4-S9233 的配置更换电缆;
Change the F37.2,F37.3 to ‘NC’ in F37,connect the output signal of blocking running to the light
curtain circuit chain,please to refer the attached file 4-S9233 to change the right cable.
- 调整 MC2 控制系统 AF5A 的参数值为 3-4 秒,增大重开门时间值。
Adjust the reopen time is 3-4 S in AF5A of the MC2 control system .
现场调试参数列表(Site adjustment parameter table):
码 参数名称 参数范围 单位 出厂设置
F00 版本号+功能设定 1 / 199 / 9999 × 2501x
F04 门宽 0 ~ 60000 × 113
F08 关门到位百分比 0-15 × 8
F11 开门启动低速 1 ~ 300 rpm 30
F12 关门启动低速 1 ~ 300 rpm 30
F13 开门高速 1 ~ 1500 rpm 360
F14 关门高速 1 ~ 1500 rpm 315
F15 开门停止低速 1 ~ 300 rpm 40
F16 关门停止低速 1 ~ 300 rpm 30
F17 开门加速度 1 ~ 30 × 10
F22 开门爬行距离 1 ~ 30 % 10 
等级:C 页码:6/1
版本:A 更改码:00
K200 门机现场故障解决
(Instruct to solve the
problem for K200 door
F23 关门爬行距离 1 ~ 30 % 2
F24 开门减速位置 50 ~ 100 % 63
F25 关门减速位置 1 ~ 50 % 40
F30 开门保持力矩大小 0 ~ 30 × 15
F31 关门保持力矩大小 0 ~ 30 × 7
F33 力矩保持时的速度 0 ~ 90 rpm 60
F34 v/f 控制时输出力矩 0 ~ 40 % 25
F36 输入类型设定 00000000~11111111 × 00000000
F37 输出类型设定 0000 ~ 1111 × 0000
F91 初始化参数选择 0 ~ 255 × 6
- 上表仅作参考,具体根据现场情况按安装手册调整。
Up sheet only for refer ,more adjust details to see the installation manual .
- 在门机同步皮带张力调整到位的前提下,如发现门机频繁发生自矫正慢速运行,建议在门宽自学
习后,检查 F15 参数值,并将 F15 内的参数增大 10 或更大。
At the right adjustment of synchronous belt, if find the K200 door system do adjustment running very
frequently , we suggest to consult the parameter F15 value and decrease the value 10 or more.
- 增大/降低关门速度,需要同时增加/减小 F14, F25 的参数值。
Increase / decrease the closing speed , it need to increase /decrease the value in parameter F14 and F25
at one times .
- 增大/降低开门速度,需要同时增加/减小 F13, F24 的参数值,
Increase / decrease the opening speed ,it need to increase /decrease the value in parameter F13 and
F24 at one times 
等级:C 页码:7/1
版本:A 更改码:00
K200 门机现场故障解决
(Instruct to solve the
problem for K200 door
3) 门机速度调整(Adjustment the door speed)
- 门机需要调整(复位)参数时,请先拨到检修状态;
Please turn the elevator to inspection mode when adjust (reset ) the control parameters;
- 设置 FOO=1,再根据需要修改相应的参数;
To change other parameters when needed should after to set the F00=1;
- 参数修改后请运行检查,必要时重复上面动作;
Please to do the test running after the parameter has been changed; try do it again when needed;
- 门机调试完毕或门机切断电源之前,设置 F00=199 保存参数,否则修改的调试参数会在重新
After change the door control parameter or turn off the door power ,it need to set F00=199 to save
the changed parameter, otherwise the parameter will be lost after the power turn on next.
4) 开、关门到位力矩保持调整 (Keeping torque of end position adjustment)
- 改变开、关门力距保持的力,可以通过修改 F30、F31、F33 等参数值;
It can be changed the value of parameter F30,F31,F33 to change the keeping torque of door end
- 增大保持力时,要同时减少保持速度;反之,减小保持力,要同时增加保持速度。
Increase the keeping torque value ,need to decrease the keep speed;on the other hand , decrease
the keeping torque value ,need to increase the keep speed at one time.
 批 准 审 核 编 制
Pietz 2009.06.23 杨荣明 2009.06.23 李必春 2009.06.23 

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